Tuesday, November 14, 2006
This is one of my Home Depot roses. Shortly after it was planted, I developed an interest in antique roses and a disdain for modern grafted varieties. I don't know the name of this rose, and I'm not even sure that the orange/yellow blooms were on the original plant. It's in a shady spot, and it doesn't get much attention from me. Every once in a while, the plant will push out a flower. I love the sunset colors in the petals, as well as the shape of the bloom.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
The fall flowering season is so uplifting after the awful summer we had. Roses seem to be blooming all over the neighborhood right now. I think I have four everblooming roses that are established, and several that were planted this spring. I'd like to get some more. Any suggestions? Right now, I have:
Playboy or Playgold*
Yellow Lady Banks
Cl. Iceberg
Cl. Don Juan
Cl. Red Fountain
Swamp Rose (still in a pot)
Mrs. Dudley Cross
Red Cascade
Two roses from Home Depot (one red, one yellow)*
One coral-colored miniature rose that I don't know the name of*
A burgundy, once-blooming rose that was here when we bought the house*
I've killed:
I'm thinking about planting: Souvenir de la Malmaison, Duchesse de Brabant, Madame Joseph Scwartz . (I have a thing for cupped/quartered/cabbage-type antique roses.)