Thursday, November 09, 2006


The fall flowering season is so uplifting after the awful summer we had. Roses seem to be blooming all over the neighborhood right now. I think I have four everblooming roses that are established, and several that were planted this spring. I'd like to get some more. Any suggestions? Right now, I have:

Playboy or Playgold*
Yellow Lady Banks
Cl. Iceberg
Cl. Don Juan
Cl. Red Fountain
Swamp Rose (still in a pot)
Mrs. Dudley Cross
Red Cascade
Two roses from Home Depot (one red, one yellow)*

One coral-colored miniature rose that I don't know the name of*
A burgundy, once-blooming rose that was here when we bought the house*

I've killed:

I'm thinking about planting: Souvenir de la Malmaison, Duchesse de Brabant, Madame Joseph Scwartz . (I have a thing for cupped/quartered/cabbage-type antique roses.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can recommend 'Souvenir de la Malmaison' from experience--even though she tends to ball (flowers won't open) in humid weather. She's one of my favorite roses and I have lots of photos of her on my site.

I'd also recommend 'Blush Noisette'. She keeps a dense bushy shape and her flowers, although small, have a very nice scent.

Sadly, my 'Madame Joseph Schwartz' has died. I though it was coming back. In fact, I watered it yesterday and was pleased to see some new growth. But this morning when I looked at it all the new leaves had wilted as if it had been poisoned. Weird.

November 09, 2006 10:13 AM  
Blogger r r s said...

One of my roses got my hopes up recently, then died. The Climbing Red Fountain seemed revived once the weather cooled down, then shriveled and died a few days after new growth started to appear.

November 09, 2006 11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love 'Belinda's Dream' (pink), 'Valentine' (red, of course), and 'Marie Pavie' (white with a blush of pink).

November 09, 2006 4:24 PM  
Blogger Annie in Austin said...

When I moved in there was a coral-colored miniature rose with no name... maybe it's the same kind as yours. Mine seems pretty tough and blooms off and on. Is your Iceberg doing well? I used to see them at the Chicago Botanic Gardens and thought they were lovely.

What I really want is 'Graham Thomas', one of the David Austin English roses. Maybe some day!


November 09, 2006 9:01 PM  

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